Securing Digital Content: Cryptography and Data — Part 02

Matthew Peterson
10 min readApr 12, 2024


Cryptography is a powerful tool for digital security, employing sophisticated algorithms to encode and decode data. This installment follows part 1 and continues to explore the foundations of cryptography, specifically methodologies of symmetric encryption.

Symmetric Encryption

As discussed in part one, symmetric encryption utilizes a single key that is responsible for both encrypting and decrypting data. This method is efficient, making it ideal for securing large volumes of data. Among the many symmetric algorithms, several stand out for their widespread adoption and or historical significance:

DES (Data Encryption Standard)

The Data Encryption Standard (DES) was established in the mid-1970s as an encryption algorithm designed to protect electronic data. It became the gold standard for encryption, widely adopted across various sectors, including government, finance, and commerce, to secure sensitive information. DES operates by encrypting data in 64-bit blocks, using a 56-bit key.

While considered robust at the time of its introduction, by the late 1990s and early 2000s, advancements in computing power made it feasible to launch brute-force attacks against DES-encrypted data — essentially trying every possible key until finding the correct one. In 1997, the Electronic Frontier Foundation famously cracked DES encryption in a matter of days using a custom-built machine, highlighting the need for stronger encryption standards.

3DES (Triple DES)

As a result, 3DES emerged as a solution by increasing the effective security without needing to develop a completely new encryption standard. 3DES enhances the security of the original DES algorithm by applying the encryption process three times using two or three unique keys. It operates in three main modes:

3-key 3DES (3DES-EDE3): This is the most secure mode, utilizing three different 56-bit keys for a total key length of 168 bits. The process involves encrypting the data with the first key, decrypting with the second key (essentially an additional layer of encryption due to the DES’s design), and finally encrypting again with the third key. The sequence is Encrypt-Decrypt-Encrypt (EDE), hence the name 3DES-EDE3.

2-key 3DES (3DES-EDE2): To maintain compatibility with systems that only support single-DES keys and to reduce the computational load, 3DES can also operate with only two keys. The first and third stages use the same key, while the second stage uses a different key, for a total effective key length of 112 bits. The sequence remains Encrypt-Decrypt-Encrypt, providing security while reducing the key management requirements.

Decrypt-Encrypt-Decrypt (DED) Mode: Less commonly used, this mode reverses the EDE process and is primarily used for compatibility purposes in specific contexts.

By multiplying the encryption process, 3DES significantly increases the difficulty of brute-force attacks. The most secure configuration (3-key 3DES) offers an effective security level much higher than that of single DES, making brute-force attacks time-consuming with current technology.

A common application of 3DES has been in the financial sector, where it secured transactions by encrypting cardholder data. For example, in ATMs and point-of-sale (POS) systems, 3DES encryption protects the PIN and other sensitive information during transmission and storage, providing a much-needed security layer against potential intercepts and unauthorized access.

Despite its enhancements, the structure of 3DES inherently carries some of the limitations of DES, including block size and operational speed. In addition, as computational power continues to grow, even 3DES has begun to show its age, leading standards bodies like the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to recommend more secure alternatives like AES for all new applications. As of recent guidelines, the use of 3DES is being phased out in favor of encryption algorithms that offer stronger security without significant trade-offs in speed or efficiency.

AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)

The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a symmetric key encryption algorithm that became the encryption standard adopted worldwide, succeeding the Data Encryption Standard (DES) and Triple DES (3DES) due to its superior security and efficiency. Developed by Belgian cryptographers Vincent Rijmen and Joan Daemen, AES was established as a standard by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in 2001 after a rigorous selection process.

Key Features of AES:

Key Sizes: AES supports multiple key lengths of 128, 192, or 256 bits, accommodating varying levels of security requirements. The choice of key size allows for a balance between the computational load and the security level, with longer keys providing stronger security.

Block Size: AES operates on 128-bit blocks of data, regardless of the key size. This standard block size applies to all variations of AES, ensuring consistency in processing across different implementations.

Encryption Rounds: The number of rounds in the AES encryption process depends on the key size. AES-128 uses 10 rounds, AES-192 uses 12 rounds, and AES-256 employs 14 rounds. Each round consists of several processing steps, including SubBytes, ShiftRows, MixColumns (except in the final round), and AddRoundKey.

Security: AES is considered highly secure and resistant to all known practical cryptographic attacks, making it suitable for safeguarding sensitive information against sophisticated threats. Its security is largely attributed to its complex round operations and the use of large key sizes.

Real-World Applications of AES

AES has been widely adopted for a vast range of applications across various industries and technologies, including:

Government and Military: AES encryption is used to protect classified and sensitive data, with many governments worldwide endorsing AES for securing information.

Financial Services: AES secures online transactions, banking information, and cardholder data, providing a foundation for trust in digital commerce.

Internet Security: The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)/Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols, which secure web communications, often employ AES to encrypt data transferred over the internet.

Wireless Security: Wi-Fi Protected Access II (WPA2), a security protocol for wireless networks, utilizes AES to protect the network’s communications.

Data Storage: AES encrypts hard drives and removable media, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of the data stored on these devices.

AES and Brute-Force Attacks

The robustness of AES against brute-force attacks is due to the astronomically large number of possible keys. For example, AES-128 has 2^128 possible keys, a number so large that attempting to try each key would be impractical with current and foreseeable computational resources. As key size increases to 192 and 256 bits, the feasibility of brute-force attacks becomes even more improbable.

With its combination of flexibility in key size, robust security, and efficiency in various platforms and devices ensures that AES remains the benchmark for encryption, capable of meeting the diverse needs of individual, corporate, and governmental security requirements.

Blowfish and Twofish

Blowfish and Twofish are also symmetric block cipher encryption algorithms known for their efficiency and security. Developed by Bruce Schneier, Blowfish was introduced in 1993, while Twofish, a successor to Blowfish, was one of the finalists in the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) contest. Both algorithms have distinctive features and have been used in a wide range of cryptographic applications.


Blowfish is renowned for its simplicity, speed, and effectiveness, particularly in software implementations. It divides data into 64-bit blocks and encrypts them individually, making it suitable for both encryption of large data sets and applications requiring frequent key changes.

Key Features of Blowfish:

Block Size: 64 bits, which, while efficient for many applications, is considered less secure for certain modern encryption needs compared to larger block sizes.

Key Length: Variable, ranging from 32 bits to 448 bits, offering flexibility in the trade-off between speed and security.

Structure: Uses a Feistel Network structure, requiring 16 rounds of processing for each block of data. The algorithm includes a key expansion phase where the input key is used to generate several subkey arrays for the rounds.

Security: Generally considered secure against most attack vectors, although vulnerabilities have been explored in very specific and largely impractical scenarios. Its shorter block size, however, makes it less favorable for certain applications in the era of high-powered computing resources.


Developed as a potential replacement for AES, Twofish addresses some of the limitations of Blowfish by introducing a larger block size and providing enhanced security features. Despite not being selected as the AES standard, Twofish remains highly regarded in the cryptographic community.

Key Features of Twofish:

Block Size: 128 bits, aligning it with the AES standard and making it suitable for securing modern data against contemporary threats.

Key Length: Supports key sizes of 128, 192, or 256 bits, offering high levels of security and making it competitive with AES in terms of cryptographic strength.

Structure: Also uses a Feistel Network but with 16 rounds, regardless of the key size. Twofish’s structure includes complex key-dependent S-boxes and a pre-computed key schedule, contributing to its security and efficiency.

Security: Features like the MDS matrix and the use of pre-computed key-dependent S-boxes provide strong resistance against known cryptographic attacks, including differential and linear cryptanalysis.

Applications and Usage

Blowfish has been widely used in various software that requires encryption, including file encryption programs, password management tools, and secure communication protocols. Its speed and effectiveness in environments where keys change frequently have made it a popular choice.

Twofish, with its robust security features and efficient performance, has found its place in encryption software, disk encryption systems, and advanced security applications. Although it wasn’t selected as the AES standard, its performance and security evaluations during the AES competition demonstrated its viability as a strong encryption tool.

Rivest Ciphers (RC4, RC5, RC6):

The Rivest Ciphers, named after their inventor Ron Rivest, are a family of symmetric key cryptographic algorithms that have impacted digital security practices. Among them, RC4, RC5, and RC6 are the most notable, each serving distinct purposes and applications in encryption technology.


RC4 is a stream cipher, which means it encrypts the bits of information one at a time. It’s known for its simplicity and speed in software implementations, making it a popular choice for protocols requiring efficient encryption mechanisms.

Key Features of RC4:

Key Length: Variable, typically between 40 and 2048 bits, allowing for flexible security levels.

Operation: Uses a combination of a key-scheduling algorithm (KSA) and a pseudo-random generation algorithm (PRGA) to produce a key stream, which is then XORed with the plaintext to produce ciphertext.

Applications: Initially adopted in protocols like Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP), though concerns over vulnerabilities have led to its deprecation in favor of more secure algorithms.


RC5 is a block cipher known for its simplicity and adaptability, featuring a variable block size, key size, and number of encryption rounds. This flexibility allows it to be tuned for particular applications, balancing between speed and security.

Key Features of RC5:

Block Size: Variable, typically 32, 64, or 128 bits, accommodating different levels of security and operational requirements.

Key Length and Rounds: Both are variable, allowing customization to achieve desired security levels. The standard suggests using at least 12 rounds for adequate security.

Operation: Employs a simple structure that combines operations from different algebraic groups, making it resistant to cryptanalysis.

Applications: Used in a variety of software applications for encrypting data, including financial services and secure communications.


RC6 was developed as a candidate for the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) competition. It is a symmetric key block cipher that builds upon the structure of RC5, introducing additional operations to enhance security and performance.

Key Features of RC6:

Block Size: Fixed at 128 bits, aligning with the AES standard.

Key Length: Supports 128, 192, or 256 bits, offering robust protection against brute-force attacks.

Operation: Introduces a complex data processing step involving bitwise rotation, addition, and XOR operations, significantly complicating the encryption process and increasing security.

Applications: While RC6 was not selected as the AES standard, its strong performance in the competition demonstrated its potential for securing digital information, finding use in software that requires high-security encryption.

Security and Usage

RC4: Despite its initial popularity, vulnerabilities discovered in RC4, such as biases in the key stream, have led to recommendations against its use in new systems. Protocols like TLS 1.3 have entirely removed support for RC4.

RC5 and RC6: Both remain respected in cryptographic circles for their innovative design and flexibility. RC5 has seen various implementations, while RC6, despite not winning the AES competition, is still considered a strong contender in encryption technology.

The Rivest Ciphers collectively highlight the evolution of encryption techniques, from the simpler RC4 to the more complex and secure RC6. Each algorithm’s development has contributed to the knowledge and practices in cryptography.


Symmetric encryption offers a straightforward yet powerful method for protecting large volumes of data efficiently.

The historical DES (Data Encryption Standard), which was groundbreaking in its time, eventually succumbed to advancements in computational power, leading to its vulnerability to brute-force attacks. This led to the development of 3DES (Triple DES), which enhances security by encrypting data three times using two or three unique keys, significantly hardening the cipher against attacks.

AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), the modern benchmark for encryption, provides robust security and ensures resistance to all known practical cryptographic attacks.

Blowfish’s simplicity and effectiveness in software implementations make it suitable for encrypting large data sets, while Twofish, although not selected as the AES standard, remains highly regarded for its robust security features.

Lastly, the Rivest Ciphers (RC4, RC5, RC6), provide a range of applications from efficient stream ciphers to adaptable block ciphers allowing for versatility.

The next post will detail some of the more common asymmetric encryption methods, which use a pair of keys for encrypting and decrypting data as well as their critical role in securing digital information.

Matthew Peterson is a seasoned professional with a Master’s degree in Global Management from Thunderbird School of Global Management and a graduate certificate from the Pacific Coast Banking School. Currently, Matthew is expanding his expertise by pursuing a Security+ certification, underscoring his commitment to continuous learning and excellence in his field.

You can connect with him on LinkedIn or by visiting his website.



Matthew Peterson

Exploring cybersecurity through a creative lens. Sharing insights and fostering connections.